Thursday Recap

by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383

  • Update 6:30 PM: The Polaris Supreme is now up to 46 Bluefin. Captain Aliyar reported that a 40# flyline setup with a size 4 mutu hook was the ticket for getting a bite. Stay tuned for more updates.

  • The San Diego wrapped up their Full Day trip with 93 Bonito for their 26 anglers.

  • The Pacific Voyager returned this morning from their 2.5 Day trip with 3 Bluefin, 27 Calico Bass, 70 Vermilion rockfish and 3 Sheephead for their 13 anglers.

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Thursday Reports
Thursday Updates The Polaris Supreme has 32 bluefin tuna on the boat for day 1 of their 3 day trip. Thursday Returning Trips The Pacific Voyager returned from their 2.5 Day trip with 3 bluefin tuna, 27 calico bass, 39 lingcod, 3 sheephead, and 70 reds. Wednesday Recap The San Diego called it a day with 54 Bonito for their 11 Full Day anglers. We are still strongly recommending anglers be prepared with a 80 or 100 pound setup for the Bluefin. The San...... Read More

Seaforth Landing Reports
for Wednesday, May 29th, 2024
: Big Bluefin
: Wednesday Recap