Offshore Fish Report for 7-1-2024
Monday Updates
by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383
Monday Updates
- The Tribute checked in from their 1.5 day trip with 30 bluefin tuna on the boat. The fish are in the 40 to 70 pound range.
Monday Returning Trips
- The Polaris Supreme Four Day trip finished with 81 bluefin tuna. 50 of them were in the 100 to 200 pound range.
- The Aztec Three Day trip returned with 56 bluefin tuna and 1 yellowtail. Ten of the bluefin weighed in over 100 pounds, with the rest in the 40 to 60 pound range.
- The Cortez 2.5 Day finished with 31 bluefin tuna (40 to 60 pounds), 5 yellowtail, 1 halibut and 20 calico bass.
Sunday Recap
The Highliner returned from their 1.5 Day trip with 50(limits) Bluefin tuna and 180 assorted rockfish for their 25 anglers.
The Voyager ended their 1.5 Day with 36(limits) Bluefin tuna, 5 Yellowtail and 5 Bonito for their group of 18 anglers.
The Pacifica also pulled in this morning from their 1.5 Day trip with 33 Bluefin for 28 anglers. The Pacifica has plenty of space for their 1.5 Day trip departing on Tuesday, July 2nd.
The Tribute ended their 1.5 Day trip with 26 Bluefin for 28 anglers. The next available 1.5 Day for the Tribute departs on Tuesday, July 2nd!
The San Diego finished up their day with 5 Bluefin weighing between 25 to 40 pounds. Captain Ryan reported that everything was working from flyline, to sinker rig and dart-style jigs. They saw plenty of fish around but couldn't find one willing to stick to the boat.
The Saturday night Twilight trip aboard the New Seaforth wrapped up with 255 Calico bass and 1 White Seabass for 51 anglers. Today's AM returned with 108 Calico bass for their 47 anglers and the PM this afternoon ended the day with 83 Calico bass for 50 anglers.
More Reports
Monday Recap
The Aztec returned from their 3 Day trip with 56 Bluefin tuna and 1 Yellowtail for their 24 anglers. Most of their fish were in the 40 to 60 pound range and 10 weighed in over 100 pounds! The Aztec has a few openings remaining for their 1.5 Day departing this Saturday. Last night's Twilight trip aboard the New Seaforth ended the day with 1 Barracuda and 20 released, 47 Calico bass with 150 released and 5 assorted rockfish for their...... Read More

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