Fish Report for 7-17-2024
Wednesday Recap - Great Yellowtail Fishing
by Seaforth Staff
(619) 224-3383
Update 5:30 PM:The Polaris Supreme just checked in from their 3 Day with 50 Bluefin and 137 Yellowtail! Be on the lookout for their final count.
The Apollo returned from their 1.5 Day trip with 90(limits) Yellowtail for their 18 anglers.
The Highliner pulled in this morning from their 2.5 Day charter with 138 Yellowtail for their 25 anglers.
The Cortez also returned this morning from their 1.5 Day with 56 Yellowtail for their group of 15 anglers.
The San Diego wrapped up their Full Day with 30 Bluefin for 36 anglers.
The New Seaforth got right back on the Calico bass following their short maintenance break ending the AM trip with 46 Calico bass and 75 released for 25 anglers. The PM finished up the day with 43 Calico bass and 60 released for 52 anglers.
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Wednesday Returns The Apollo returned from their 1.5 Day this morning with 90(limits) Yellowtail for their 18 anglers. The Cortez wrapped up their 1.5 Day charter with 56 Yellowtail. The Highliner returned from their 2.5 Day with 138 Yellowtail for their 25 anglers. ...... Read More

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