Hot Creek fish report 05-03-2007

Hot Creek - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)


?? The snow is falling but the fishing is still good if you are willing to dealer with the elements. Dry dropper rigs are the way to go with the low flow on hot creek still. The fishing has been great if you hit the BWO hatch at the right time. You what to be on the creek from 10 AM to 2 PM. #20-22 Emerging BWO's, #20 BWO Comparadun and #20 Hatch master BWO. For a dropper use a #20 Barr's BWO Emerger or #20 Brook's BWO emerger. If you miss the hatch use a #14 Stimulator or #16 Elk Hair Caddis as the dry. For the dropper use #22 Tiger Midge, #20 Olive or Gray WD-40, #18 Micro May or #20 Copper John.

Sierra Drifters Update 03-11-2007
Howdy friends and Sierra Drifters. Best fishes to all for this St. Patrick's Day fish report from the Eastern High Sierra. It is ironic that the hot nymphs just happen to be "green bodied" in most of the fisheries as of late. Be on the look out for sneaky leprechauns on those low back casts, missed takes and break offs. I would use our green "Sunjicators" for sure! We have plenty to show this report so please take the...... Read More