Walk for Cure - Diabetes

by John Thompson
(619) 269-2186

I Just want to sent a reminder to some and a \"Thank You\" to some of you! The last day to donate is tomorrow, Tuesday December 8th 2009. So Please make a donation in Colin\'s name and make a difference in so many peoples lives. Remember in this Christmas season that it is not only the lives of type 1 Diabetics that are affected and jepordized, but of those all around them who care for them and worry about their well being. Somehow it affects us all, and it should...... we are all connected. Thank you with all my heart, Gina Cavanaugh p.s. the link to donate is below, and the original letter is below that with all the information.... http://walk.jdrf.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=extranet.personalpage&confirmID=87509073

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