Hot Creek Fish Report

Hot Creek - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

by The Trout Fitter Staff

Water Conditions: Good

The flow is 15 CFS plus the spring for about 30 cfs total. Water is clear and cold in the 40's.

The USFA has closed the gate for the season so it is about a 1/4 mile walk to the canyon section, but only 100 yards from the paved road to the Interpretive Center section.

Recent snows have be well packed and not bad access.

Fishing conditions and Hatches: Good to Excellent

Cold mornings so no need to arrive much earlier than 10 am. Same ol\', same ol\' . . . Midges early followed by Baetis hatch from 20 minutes to over an hour depending on the day. Everything coming off at Hot Creek is small.

The bite is strong midday as they all feed at once and the competition is keen - translated not too choosey.

Recommended Flies:

Add scuds to the same \'ol, same ol\' . . .

DRIES: #20 to 24 Parachute Adams, Loop Wing Baetis, Brooks Sprout Baetis.

NYMPHS: Black or olive #20-24 WD-40\'s, #20-22 Zebra Midge. Poxy-backed baetis in size 18 has been particularly good.

Streamers: Throw big ol\' Muddler Minnows or big streamers to the far shore in the Interpretive Center section and never let the fly be stationary . . . strip as it hits the water or land on the far shore and drag it in the water.

More Reports

The Trout Fitter Reports
for Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010
Owens River: Upper Owens Fish Report
Owens River: Owens River Gorge Fish Report
Owyhee River: Lower Owens River Fish Report
East Walker River (CA): East Walker River Fish Report

The Trout Fitter Reports
for Tuesday, January 19th, 2010
Hot Creek: Hot Creek Fish Report
Owens River: Upper Owens Fish Report
Owens River: Owens River Gorge Fish Report
Owens River: Lower Owens River Fish Report
East Walker River (CA): East Walker River Fish Report