Little Truckee is running very high right now and the flows are swift

Little Truckee River - CA (Sierra County)

by Mike Curtis
(877) 541-8208

Current Flows are 662 CFS. It is high and out of the banks. There have been a few local anglers that know the Little Truckee pretty well that are catching fish even with the high flows. If you are thinking about giving it a try you have to fish it more like a big river now. Fish the seams and edges out of the main current. Make sure to use enough split shot to get your flies down and if you are nymphing with an indicator, use one big enough to hold up the extra split shot.

Do not try to cross and stay out of the main current. It is running hard and can be dangerous to those who don't know it very well. Stampede is nearing capacity and the Little Truckee should be running high for a while.

More Reports

Tahoe Fly Fishing Outfitters Reports
for Tuesday, June 7th, 2011
Pyramid Lake: Pyramid Lake has been awesome at times and slow at times
Truckee River: The Truckee has been good but be mindful of the flows