Sign Of Albacore

by Bill Roecker
(619) 226-6006

Justin Fleck docked the Excel June 10 after a three-day Turner's Outdoorsman trip with chartermaster John Hazlett.

"We fished offshore and near Punta Baja off the beach," said skipper Fleck at the Fisherman's Landing certified scales. "The water was 62.5 degrees and there was a little sign of albacore."

Dan Phelan of Orange used a sardine to take the trip's best fish, a 22-pound yellowtail. Most of the fish were caught under paddies. Phelan used a 2/0 Owner Flyliner hook, 20-pound P-Line on an Okuma reel and a Seeker Black Steel rod. He was unsure of the models.

David Karchefski of Orange won second place for a 17.8-pound yellowtail, and Allan Treffry of Long beach was third for a 15-pounder.

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Fishing Videos Reports
for Saturday, June 9th, 2007

: Big Tuna Jigged
: Bass, Yellowtail Hammered