Crowley not as good as usual but picking up

Crowley Lake - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

by The Trout Fitter Staff

Water Conditions:
Okay bottom temps are from as low as 51F up to 63. Pull out the thermometers and you'll find the perfect 57 F. Algae is getting nasty and on the move. Death and fresh start is any day.

Fishing Conditions and Hatches:
Fair to Good (if you can dodge the algae). Daphnia seems to be gone and fish have returned to the bottom looking for midges.

More fish move into McGee daily but under the Green Carpet for the most part. Stripping works best near the mouth in reasonably clear water. Also I took boat up McGee Creek (that's how full lake is) and parked on side and fish the stream. Actually had to mend - that's a first for Crowley.

Damsels and Calibaetis are hatching starting to hatch so hang one under the indicator about half way down the water column. North end (way up by Owens Mouth) is beautiful with clear water but no fish???

Recommended Flies:

Red, Black and Purple Optimidges Early, Blood Midge, Gold Bead Red/Black Optimidge #18, #20 Dubbed head Black Optimidge, Mickey's Red Baron, Ultimate Damsel, Jansens Calbaetis.


Doc's Twin Lake Special Black/Olive #10, Hornberg #10, Olive Matuka #10, Ultimate Damsel.

The flows are great the water is clear and cold the fishing is excellent in the Owens River Gorge
Owens River

Water Conditions: Great the flow is 45 CFS. This is a permanent flow required to be maintained by LADWP. Water is...... Read More