Utah Fish Report
Keswick Reservoir Fish Report for 8-23-2011
Keswick Reservoir Fish Report for 8-23-2011
Reports out of Keswick have been slow, so our guess is it's fishing good
Keswick Reservoir - Redding, CA (Shasta County)
by The Fly Shop

#12-14 copper bead Bird's Nests and #12 Marlee Midges will get fly anglers tight to Keswick reservoir rainbow trout. Water conditions are good. A motorized boat is needed to reach the fish.
Flows out of Shasta have been stable and that creates good fishing conditions. Keswick is a perfect destination for a guided fishing experience. The rainbow trout here hold in the swirly water near Shasta Dam. Suspending Bird's Nests, Midges and stripping leeches is how we fish this reservoir. Hot weather really seems to get these fish on the bite. The fishing should be good! This reservoir is a sleeper of a fishery. Because access is time consuming and remote, pressure is light and the fishing can be fantastic.
The Fly Shop's ? Tips:
A motorized boat is a must for gaining access to the part of this reservoir that holds concentrated numbers of rainbow trout. Look for slow water, near boulders. Swing, suspend, strip nymphs, leeches. Dry fly fishing happens late in the summer, near sunset.
• Elk Hair Caddis Tan #10-16
• Yellow Stimulator #14-16
Nymphs/Wet Flies:
• Chironomid Bomber (Any)
• Marlee Midge
• Brown Micro Mayfly #16
• Pats Brown Rubber Legs #6-8
• Fox's Cinnamon Poopah #12-14
• Brown Micro Mayfly #16
• CB Birds Nest #10-14
• Double Bunny
• Zonker Natural
• Halebopp Leech Olive/Dark Olive
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for Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011
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The Fly Shop Reports
for Monday, August 22nd, 2011
Sacramento River: The Lower Sac is producing 16 inch Rainbows
Sacramento River: Upper Sac fishing is excellent & the best time is in the Morning and later near Sunset
Trinity River: Salmon, Rainbows & Browns are all active on the Trinty River
Pit River: Right now the Pit River is fishing fair to good
McCloud River: The McCloud is fishing well & the crowds are light
Fall River: Fall River has been fishing fair to good
Hat Creek: Hat Creek is fishing tough
Baum Lake: You can't find better still water fishing near Burney, CA in August than Baum Lake

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