Utah Fish Report
Fall River Fish Report for 9-18-2011
Fall River Fish Report for 9-18-2011
The AM Trico hatch on Fall River is producing fabulous dry fly fishing
Fall River
by The Fly Shop

An excellent Trico hatch in the AM hours is producing fantabulous dry fly fishing. Most #20 dry flies like an Etha Wing Trico, #20 Parachute Adams, Normans #20 BWO should work, but the rainbows can be a little discriminating on the presentation. The afternoon fishing is very good for a change!
Suspending nymphs under small yarn indicators (tied in at the end of your 9' 5X leader) or swung and stripped on sinking lines have been the dominant techniques in the afternoons when the fish are mostly feeding subsurface. Best nymphs have been anything like a #18 Pheasant Tail Nymph or a #16 Brown Micro Mayfly.
The Fly Shop's ? Tips:
The "Fall River Twitch" has been the most effective technique on Fall River for decades. How to: Anchor your pram upstream of rising fish. Cast downstream and across, then feed line out to extend your drift a long ways downstream. The "Fall River Twitch" results in a presentation that lets the fish see your fly first, while you are positioned upstream and out of the fished field of view. The Fall River Twitch is equally effective whether fishing dries, swinging nymphs or indicator nymphing. If you're casting to a pod of rising trout, work from the outside in and you can often pick them off one by one. 5wt rods are what we recommend for Fall River, with some anglers using 6 wt rods for casting heavier sinking lines. The Fly Shop recommended fly lines; RIO Gold floating line and an extra spool loaded with RIO CamoLux.
River Fact:
Eurasian Watermillfoil is a threat on this river. Click here to read more about what Eurasian Watermillfoil is, what is being done and why Fall River has a bright future.
• Tilt Wing Dun PMD #18
• Last Chance Cripple PMD #18
• Mayfly Cripple Limestone #18
• Mercer's Missing Link
• Norman's Loop Wing BWO #18
• Etha Wing Trico
• Parachute Adams #18-20
• Tomsu's Trico Spinner
Nymphs/Wet Flies:
• Pseudo May's Brown #16-18
• Drifting Flashback PT #14-16
• Black Zebra Midge #16-20
• Red Copper John #18
• Zug Bug #14-16
• PT Nymph #14-20
• TB PT Nymph #18
• Norman's Wiggle Tail PT #16-18
• Mercer's Micro May Fly Brown #16
• Zack's Swimming Leech Olive
• Zack's Swimming Leech Black
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