Utah Fish Report
Fish Report for 6-19-2007
Fish Report for 6-19-2007
Sierra Drifters Fish Report
Howdy friends and Sierra Drifters.?? Best fishes to all for this summer solstice fish report from the Eastern High Sierra.??
We have settled into a very typical summer pattern with mild warm days in the high country, hot days in the Owens Valley and pleasant temperatures in the upper elevations and alpine lakes.?? You should be prepared for afternoon T-storms this time of year.?? The forecast shows a mild threat of them ballooning in the forecast.
The longest daylight period of the year will soon be here and the fishing is very good in many areas. The freestone creeks are running well below their seasonal average flows for this time of year.?? Some tail waters have increased dramatically recently as water and power demands have increased with the warmer days.??
The alpine regions are far more accessible than normal and many backcountry passes are open and accessible due to the low snow pack this winter.?? The potential for wildfires will be severe as the summer season rolls on so please be extra careful when visiting and camping in the region.??
Crowley Lake Fish Camp & Sierra Drifters Guide Service First Annual Stillwater Classic! Saturday August 11th, 2007 at Crowley Lake. The event's primary objective is to raise funds for the fisheries enhancement of Crowley Lake. 100% of the proceeds will be used to purchase and raise brown trout for stocking into Crowley Lake. ??Pre-registration is requested with check in on August 10th. There is a downloadable entry form & contest details on the CLFC website www.crowleylakefishcamp.com as well as Sierra Drifters www.sierradrifters.com/fish.html . And if any of you businessmen or merchants out there are interested in contributing as a sponsor?Ķ please email back and we can send you the contributor letter?Ķ
Kittredge Sports is a major sponsor of the Still Water Classic and one of our premier shops to purchase fly fishing gear and our time tested guide flies.?? Sierra Drifters guides are assisting the great staff at Kittredge to assist you in answering questions about local fishing areas and what gear you may need to capture "Troutzilla".?? Stop by Kittredge and take advantage of some free professional advice if you are visiting Mammoth Lakes. There is a link to Kittredge on the resources page of www.sierradrifters.com/fish.html
We have settled into a very typical summer pattern with mild warm days in the high country, hot days in the Owens Valley and pleasant temperatures in the upper elevations and alpine lakes.?? You should be prepared for afternoon T-storms this time of year.?? The forecast shows a mild threat of them ballooning in the forecast.
The longest daylight period of the year will soon be here and the fishing is very good in many areas. The freestone creeks are running well below their seasonal average flows for this time of year.?? Some tail waters have increased dramatically recently as water and power demands have increased with the warmer days.??
The alpine regions are far more accessible than normal and many backcountry passes are open and accessible due to the low snow pack this winter.?? The potential for wildfires will be severe as the summer season rolls on so please be extra careful when visiting and camping in the region.??
Crowley Lake Fish Camp & Sierra Drifters Guide Service First Annual Stillwater Classic! Saturday August 11th, 2007 at Crowley Lake. The event's primary objective is to raise funds for the fisheries enhancement of Crowley Lake. 100% of the proceeds will be used to purchase and raise brown trout for stocking into Crowley Lake. ??Pre-registration is requested with check in on August 10th. There is a downloadable entry form & contest details on the CLFC website www.crowleylakefishcamp.com as well as Sierra Drifters www.sierradrifters.com/fish.html . And if any of you businessmen or merchants out there are interested in contributing as a sponsor?Ķ please email back and we can send you the contributor letter?Ķ
Kittredge Sports is a major sponsor of the Still Water Classic and one of our premier shops to purchase fly fishing gear and our time tested guide flies.?? Sierra Drifters guides are assisting the great staff at Kittredge to assist you in answering questions about local fishing areas and what gear you may need to capture "Troutzilla".?? Stop by Kittredge and take advantage of some free professional advice if you are visiting Mammoth Lakes. There is a link to Kittredge on the resources page of www.sierradrifters.com/fish.html
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Crowley Lake Fish Report 05-29
Crowley LakeHowdy friends and Sierra Drifters.?? Best fishes to all and welcome to the beginning of a great summer fly fishing season here in the Eastern High Sierra.?? June is upon us and the weather has turned very seasonable and pleasant in most areas. ?? I am extremely pleased to announce that we will be hosting the First Annual Sierra Drifters/ Crowley Lake Stillwater Classic on August 11th, 2007.?? This catch and release events primary objective is to provide donations for the...... Read More
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: Sierra Drifters Fish Report 05-14-2007
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