Utah Fish Report
Fish Report for 1-26-2012
Fish Report for 1-26-2012
2012 Western Rookie League Team Bass Fishing Information
by SportfishingReport.com Staff
Welcome to the Western Rookie League!
The Western Rookie League (WRL) is designed as an entry-level team bass fishing circuit where the goal is to allow anglers to compete on a level playing field while honing their skills. As a division of the U.S. Anglers Choice family, the Western Rookie League has been one of the fastest growing circuits for the past few years due to the fun and fair competition it provides.
What makes the Western Rookie League so popular?
You would not play basketball against Michael Jordan, golf against Tiger Woods, or play tennis against Pete Sampras for money would you? The Western Rookie League as strict qualification standards that prevent professional level team anglers from stepping down to fish against a field of anglers below their skill level. The whole purpose of the Western Rookie League is to provide an opportunity for amateur level fishermen to compete in a professionally run amateur competition. Likewise, you do not need to have a $50,000 bassboat to be a part of the WRL. Each WRL tournament has two divisions - Small boat and Large boat. This allows teams who may have smaller boats to be a part of the fun as well. Complete qualification criteria and division information can be found on line at the U.S. Anglers Choice website under the WRL link/rules.
An economical entry fee
Many team events end up costing as much to fish as a full blown Pro-Am event now days. Not so with the WRL. The basic entry fee for a Western Rookie League event is $100. This includes a $10 Big Fish option that all anglers are a part of. There is also a $10, $20. and $30 option for anglers who wish to hedge their bets on their favorite lakes. All Options are paid back 100%.
Multiple Venues
Western Rookie League events are scattered throughout the state on a variety of popular lakes, so there is bound to be a tournament at your favorite fishery. Fish one trail or multiple trails to qualify for our year end fish off. See the WRL schedule that is a part of this flyer for dates, locations, and Tournament Director contact information.
End of the Year Fish-off
Anglers who compete on the different Western Rookie League trails have the opportunity to qualify for the year-end fish off for cash and prizes. Points are assigned at each event and the teams who place in the top 25% at the end of the year will be invited to the fish-off. Teams may also qualify by fishing different WRL trails and qualifying through the "Travelers" division. The 2011 WRL team championships saw 170+ teams compete for over $66,000 in cash and prizes. This years WRL Team Championships are scheduled for October 6-7th at Lake Oroville.
Competitors may sign up for the 2012 Western Rookie League events by logging on to www.usanglerschoice.net and clicking the WRL events link on the home page. You may then click on the on-line entry form link and register with a credit card over the internet. You may also print out a copy of the entry form and mail it to the U.S. Anglers Choice address on the form with a check or credit card. Want to go paperless? Call Sherry Harwood at the USAC office (800) 360-7112 and you may sign up over the phone with your credit card. Anglers who chose to sign up on the day of the event at the lake may be subject to a $10 late entry fee.
Specific event related questions should be phoned in or e-mailed to each trails Tournament Director. All competitors must be current USAC members in good standing to compete and qualify for prizes. You may also renew your membership over the phone at the number above.
2012 Western Rookie League Schedule*
Motherlode Trail - Danny Peluso, TD (209) 535-8192 dpeluso@inreach.com
12-10-11 Mc Clure
1-29-12 Mc Clure
3-4-12 Don Pedro
4-1-12 Mc Clure
5-6-12 Don Pedro
6-23-12 Delta
Northern Trail - Jason Bubier, TD (530) 589-2601 ajbubier@sbcglobal.net
2-18-12 Oroville
3-31-12 Berryessa
4-28-12 Oroville
6-3-12 Oroville
6-9-12 Oroville
7-7-12 Clear Lake
Delta/Wine Trail - Nick Oliver, TD (925) 848-5901 scott_povio@hotmail.com
1-14-12 Berryessa
3-11-12 Clear Lake
4-28-12 Delta-CC
6-30-12 Clear Lake
7-14-12 Delta-CC
8-12-12 Delta-CC
Central Valley Trail - Danny Peluso, TD (209) 535-8192 dpeluso@inreach.com
12-7-11 Mc Clure
1-21-12 Millerton
2-25-12 McClure
3-24-12 Millerton
4-7-12 Don Pedro
5-12-12 Millerton
Grapevine Trail - Bob Tull, TD (805) 720-4097 Culuru@aol.com
1-22-12 Nacimiento
2-26-12 Santa Margarita
3-25-12 San Antonio
4-29-12 Santa Margarita
6-9-12 Oroville
7-7-12 Clear Lake
* All dates and locations are subject to change
The Western Rookie League (WRL) is designed as an entry-level team bass fishing circuit where the goal is to allow anglers to compete on a level playing field while honing their skills. As a division of the U.S. Anglers Choice family, the Western Rookie League has been one of the fastest growing circuits for the past few years due to the fun and fair competition it provides.
What makes the Western Rookie League so popular?
You would not play basketball against Michael Jordan, golf against Tiger Woods, or play tennis against Pete Sampras for money would you? The Western Rookie League as strict qualification standards that prevent professional level team anglers from stepping down to fish against a field of anglers below their skill level. The whole purpose of the Western Rookie League is to provide an opportunity for amateur level fishermen to compete in a professionally run amateur competition. Likewise, you do not need to have a $50,000 bassboat to be a part of the WRL. Each WRL tournament has two divisions - Small boat and Large boat. This allows teams who may have smaller boats to be a part of the fun as well. Complete qualification criteria and division information can be found on line at the U.S. Anglers Choice website under the WRL link/rules.
An economical entry fee
Many team events end up costing as much to fish as a full blown Pro-Am event now days. Not so with the WRL. The basic entry fee for a Western Rookie League event is $100. This includes a $10 Big Fish option that all anglers are a part of. There is also a $10, $20. and $30 option for anglers who wish to hedge their bets on their favorite lakes. All Options are paid back 100%.
Multiple Venues
Western Rookie League events are scattered throughout the state on a variety of popular lakes, so there is bound to be a tournament at your favorite fishery. Fish one trail or multiple trails to qualify for our year end fish off. See the WRL schedule that is a part of this flyer for dates, locations, and Tournament Director contact information.
End of the Year Fish-off
Anglers who compete on the different Western Rookie League trails have the opportunity to qualify for the year-end fish off for cash and prizes. Points are assigned at each event and the teams who place in the top 25% at the end of the year will be invited to the fish-off. Teams may also qualify by fishing different WRL trails and qualifying through the "Travelers" division. The 2011 WRL team championships saw 170+ teams compete for over $66,000 in cash and prizes. This years WRL Team Championships are scheduled for October 6-7th at Lake Oroville.
Competitors may sign up for the 2012 Western Rookie League events by logging on to www.usanglerschoice.net and clicking the WRL events link on the home page. You may then click on the on-line entry form link and register with a credit card over the internet. You may also print out a copy of the entry form and mail it to the U.S. Anglers Choice address on the form with a check or credit card. Want to go paperless? Call Sherry Harwood at the USAC office (800) 360-7112 and you may sign up over the phone with your credit card. Anglers who chose to sign up on the day of the event at the lake may be subject to a $10 late entry fee.
Specific event related questions should be phoned in or e-mailed to each trails Tournament Director. All competitors must be current USAC members in good standing to compete and qualify for prizes. You may also renew your membership over the phone at the number above.
2012 Western Rookie League Schedule*
Motherlode Trail - Danny Peluso, TD (209) 535-8192 dpeluso@inreach.com
12-10-11 Mc Clure
1-29-12 Mc Clure
3-4-12 Don Pedro
4-1-12 Mc Clure
5-6-12 Don Pedro
6-23-12 Delta
Northern Trail - Jason Bubier, TD (530) 589-2601 ajbubier@sbcglobal.net
2-18-12 Oroville
3-31-12 Berryessa
4-28-12 Oroville
6-3-12 Oroville
6-9-12 Oroville
7-7-12 Clear Lake
Delta/Wine Trail - Nick Oliver, TD (925) 848-5901 scott_povio@hotmail.com
1-14-12 Berryessa
3-11-12 Clear Lake
4-28-12 Delta-CC
6-30-12 Clear Lake
7-14-12 Delta-CC
8-12-12 Delta-CC
Central Valley Trail - Danny Peluso, TD (209) 535-8192 dpeluso@inreach.com
12-7-11 Mc Clure
1-21-12 Millerton
2-25-12 McClure
3-24-12 Millerton
4-7-12 Don Pedro
5-12-12 Millerton
Grapevine Trail - Bob Tull, TD (805) 720-4097 Culuru@aol.com
1-22-12 Nacimiento
2-26-12 Santa Margarita
3-25-12 San Antonio
4-29-12 Santa Margarita
6-9-12 Oroville
7-7-12 Clear Lake
* All dates and locations are subject to change
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