If you're looking to chase salmon flies, now would be a good time!

by Montana Troutfitters

On the Upper Madison, the bugs are between Varney and Three Dollar. With this warm weather we are experiencing, they should be moving up stream quickly over the next few days.

Over on the Yellowstone, there have been some big bugs around Loch Leven. Look for these to start moving up stream in the next few days. Usually around the 4th of July you can find these bugs around Emigrant. However, this year may be a bit earlier than most. Even if you don't run into the salmon flies on the Stone, the fishing has been great with golden stones, yellow sallies, and multiple sizes of caddis out and about.

The Gallatin River has started to see some sporadic salmon flies around Storm Castle. The river has dropped and cleaned up nicely with around two feet of visibility and improving daily. This river can be a bit of a "salmon fly sleeper" with most people focusing on the larger rivers in the area.

On another note, thank you to all of our customers and sales reps who helped make this years BBQ a success. We appreciate your continued support!

We hope to see you on the river!

Jake, Justin, & Lisa
Montana Troutfitters