Lake Powell Fish Report 08-01-07

Lake Powell

by Wayne Gustaveson

If asked to predict a time when fishing was going to be tough I would have to say full moon and midsummer with water temperature well over 80 F. This would be that week. Considering the detractors the results are not that bad.

Adult stripers resting under the thermocline are always ready to eat. The prime spots continue to produce hungry adults and frisky juvenile striped bass. The fatter smaller fish will often be on top of the school in warmer water but will hit bait when chummed into a frenzy. The trick is to get one fish to hit and then swim to the surface. Stripers can't stand to see one of their buddies with food in its mouth, without trying to get in on the act. They follow along hoping for fallout or a new free swimming independent morsel. Toss a bait behind the hooked fish to get the next one in line. It is very fast fishing - even for a slow period.

Surface feeding action or 'boiling' is random and short lived during full moon. The best time may be morning or evening twilight when ambient light conditions favor the predator. More likely the boil will be anywhere, anytime or not at all. Fish using your favorite technique and if a boil pops up, pick up the extra rod and cast quickly. Often the boiling fish will hit whatever lure happens to be on your rod at the time. A few boils have been seen at all points along the lake. But shad numbers are not strong and boils are not consistently found. That will change as the moon darkens.

Bass fishing is tough as nails outside the twilight periods.

Catfish and bluegill fishing is as good as it gets. Use live worms and small hooks for bluegill and any flavorful table scrape for cats. They really like hotdogs.

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