Secret Cod Hole

by Bill Roecker
(619) 221-8500

Norm Kagawa docked his Shogun September 23 at Fisherman's Landing after a five-day trip with 29 passengers. Chartermaster Chris Clements of the Baja Dreamer Tackle shop in Bakersfield was aboard. They visited Guadalupe and Cedros islands, and then tried Norm's "secret cod hole" up the line toward San Diego.

"You should have seen the lings and the reds coming up," said Kagawa. "I don't think that place had ever been fished."

"We had some great yellowtail action at Cedros Island today," wrote crewman Ethan Waldvogel September 21, "on some real nice fish of 20 to 30 pounds. It really didn't matter what you threw at them, as long as you were throwing something at them that resembled a bait fish. It would have been nice to have caught all of our fish at one spot at the island, but we didn't, we just needed to find current and with Captain Norm at the helm, that is exactly what we did."

Fishing at Guadalupe was a bit slower than it has been, but Shogun anglers managed to get some good yellowfin.

Dave Shoemaker of Riverside won first place for a 71.4-pounder. He said he took that fish on a sardine and a 2/0 ringed Super Mutu hook. He fished 40-poudn Izorline on a Trinidad 20 reel and a Tiburon seven-foot rod.

David Brewer of Huntington Beach was second, for a 69-pound tuna. He also won the Rollo jackpot for the best yellowtail, a 40-pounder. He caught it on a sardine and 40-pound line.

Nghia Nguyen of Anaheim Hills was third, for a 67.4-pound Guadalupe yellowfin tuna.

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: Fifth Biggest Yellowtail Ever
: Ran Like A Train
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: LA Rod & Reel

Fishing Videos Reports
for Monday, September 18th, 2006
: Guadalupe, San Martin
: A Big Brace
: Good Izorline Trip