Signs Absolutely Perfect

by Bill Roecker
(619) 226-6006

"We opted to stay out here in the albacore zone today," wrote Independence skipper Jeff DeBuys August 25, "and we had an absolutely perfect, stellar, awesome day on these fat albacore. We caught fish all day long, with some incredible schools running around here. I am sure everyone onboard here will sleep well tonight, the crew included. The weather is still picture perfect."

Back at Pt. Loma Sportfishing August 28, Jeff weighed the best of the catch. He noted that they albies averaged around 30 pounds; heavy, fat fish.

Barry Andersonof Redondo beach won first place for a 42.5-pound albacore that took his sardine on a 5/0 Gamakatsu hook. He said he fished with a Trinidad 30 reel and a six-foot custom Calstar by Pete's.

Michael Williams of La Mesa was second, for a 37.4-pounder, and Emily Beck of Redondo Beach took third place for a 37-pound longfin.

"We had full limits of albacore. The signs of fish and bait are absolutely perfect," said DeBuys. So is the water structure and the way the fish are acting. I don't think they're going anywhere for a while." He described the fishing area as about five miles square.

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