Utah Fish Report
Fish Report for 2-11-2007
Fish Report for 2-11-2007
President's Fish Report 2007
Howdy friends and Sierra Drifters. Best fishes to all for this Presidents fish report from the Eastern High Sierra.
We are finally receiving much needed precipitation on the east slope and the weather models are indicating a moist jet stream through next week. The cold dry air mass that has been anchored over the Sierra has finally moved out and a more seasonal pattern is developing bringing warmer temps and ideal conditions for a strong baetis emergence in short order. Have those bwo patterns ready, we are gonna have some great dry fly activity soon!
On March first of 2007 (yup, next month!) catch and release anglers WILL be able to fish the waters of Hot Creek, The Upper Owens River above the Benton Crossing Bridge and the East Walker River below the Bridgeport Reservoir Dam. There was some local opposition to the new regulations that was recognized by the DFG Commissioners meeting in Monterey recently and they have put a spot on the agenda in July to evaluate the new regs and amend them if data to support negative impacts warrants the change. We strongly encourage you to make your opinions known to the Commission; do not assume that others are doing it! There is a link provided to contact them. We have year round professional guides available to assist you in these areas. Come on up and be one of the first to experience early spring fly fishing on several of our blue ribbon trout waters!
Guide tips for winter time catch and release fishing:
Below freezing air temperatures can harm the gill filaments and eye lenses on trout. When fishing in freezing conditions try not to remove the fish from the water, and do what ever is necessary to keep the heads of the trout fully submerged when executing a release and revival. Do not net or "bounce" them on a snow or ice bank, it is a death sentence.
Do not fish rivers or streams that have "bed ice" or thick anchor ice that has formed below the surface of running or moderately moving water. This happens when air temps get below or near zero for a prolonged period of time. The fish are under extreme stress at this time and struggling to hold in deeper pools, their metabolisms are very slow and they need to be left alone without being "spooked" from vital holding areas. They are not feeding at all during this time and it is foolish and detrimental to attempt fishing during this condition. This type of condition is also not pleasant to fish in and can be hazardous to wade in. A slip or fall in this temperature will transform you into a "fish sickle" and can put you in the hospital with hypothermia or frostbite.
If your rod guides freeze do NOT break the ice off with your fingers. Insert the rod into the water and let it melt off. Quickly false cast the water off before it refreezes. This will get you back in business for a while. Chipping the ice off the guides by hand will eventually damage your guides and may end your day.
If your fly fishing "guide" freezes you may consider chipping the ice off him or her, do NOT insert your "guide" in the water, this will definitely end your day during a winter guided fly fishing trip! Hydrate him or her with copious amounts of warm, mildly alcoholic beverages and give them a hug!
The Hot Creek Hatchery has tested positive in some areas for the NZMS. It is currently in quarantine status according to the hatchery manager and DFG biologists conducting comprehensive examinations of the entire facility. We have been told that although this is a serious situation and the invasion of the snail here will alter some regimented schedules, business should be "pretty much the same" this summer with regards to stocking of local waters. We will keep you informed as information is released.
Sincere thanks go to the San Diego Fly Fishers and the Stroud's for hosting my Sierra Fly Fishing presentation last week. Great turnout, I actually got a little stage fright!
If you missed the San Diego show you can see future presentations at the following:
Tom Loe is on the road again and will be visiting Buz's Fly Shop Too in Bakersfield on Saturday February 24th 2007 for their "Grand Opening" at the new location. Loe will be doing a Power Point presentation on fishing the waters of the Eastern Sierra as well as some major BS-ing with all in attendance. Owner Larry Goates will be inviting other pro fly fishing personalities to attend this party. Come on by and shoot the breeze, win some door prizes and get some free guidance on fishing the waters of the Eastern Sierra. The shop opens at nine and will close at 4 in the afternoon. The Power Point show starts around eleven and will be about an hour in length. Contact Buzs at 661-395-0032 or email them at buzsflyshop@yahoo.com
Tom will also be doing a Power Point seminar on March 31st 2007 at Bob Marriott's Fly Fishing Store in Fullerton. This show will be in conjunction with Bob's Sierra preview and there will be other industry pros and great gear on sale to get you ready for the new Sierra trout season. Put this one on your calendar and come by and talk trout, pick up guide tips and pointers on fly fishing trout in the Sierra. Contact Marriott's at 800-535-6633 and ask for Kevin Bell, or visit Bob's web at http://www.bobmarriotts.net
Lower Owens River: Very good-good
We have enjoyed some fine "catching" during the last two weeks mostly due to the stable water flows and a moderate weather change that has warmed the water temps back into the low forties most days.
Releases at the Pleasant Valley dam are currently 125cfs and holding. The LADWP link from our website is currently accurate. Flows are forecast to decrease even further we are told around February 20th. There will be major repair being done to the aqueduct and even the gorge release is forecast to be lowered.
The wild trout section has been like an episode out of the Twilight Zone and do not be surprised if you see Rod Serling wading here with fly rod in hand. Some guys are getting into fish with consistency; others are just flat failing. I would like to suggest that when you fish a trout stream or river during the winter, it is vital that you alter your methods and key on presenting your imitations in alternative water. With rare exceptions you will find trout holding in distinctly different lairs in colder water than you would, say water that is in the 47 degree range and up. Look for "softer, deeper" water in the larger bends. A pool that offers a significant riffle leading into a large oxbow bend with a long deep tail out will hold more fish than a long riffle, a plunge pool, an overgrown undercut bank, etc... During low flows and cold water you will observe that 90 percent of the fish will congregate in less than ten percent of the water. This is the reason that some anglers are getting into fish here, and others are just going through the motions.
As the daylight periods increase and the water warms leading into spring, you will see the fish move into more opportunistic holds. We have already seen several substantial baetis hatches this month and with the consistent flows this emergence will only become more prevalent. Have tandem nymph rigs ready with midges and may flies for the morning, a dry fly rod with your favorite bwo #18 pattern during the afternoon hatch, and get the nymph rig out again in the late afternoon.
The guided drift trips are rocking and we are seeing some of the larger models on the majority of the days. These lower sections of the river fish differently than the immediate tail out and we have better results fishing streamer patterns, switching to dries for the hatch if the conditions warrant. The Spruce-a-bu has saved our bacon numerous times recently and has attributed to a number of big rainbows and browns. If you choose to fish this pattern I suggest that you incorporate plenty of lengthy pauses or hesitations in your retrieve. Grabs will come on the stop, or as you begin to tug after the pause. "Dip and strip." Learn it. Do it. Believe in it!
Joe Richey from Thousand Oaks, CA brought his pal Dave Herrmann out from Pennsylvania to drift the Owens River and show him what a great winter time trout fishery this tail water can be. Drifters guide "Fill" Therrien got Joe the money fish on this trip. Great day guys, thank you!
Veteran Sierra Drifters Larry "LD" Daniels and Robert "Robby" McCartney from the San Berdo, CA region punished the rainbows and browns recently with "LD" getting big fish honors on their way to over forty to the net!
Bill "Willy" Amans from Lakewood, CA had a dream day on the Lower "O" recently while drifting solo. Willy had a ten fish stop in one pool alone! Check out this awesome rainbow and other pictures by visiting our fish report at http://www.sierradrifters.com/fish.html
Longtime Drifters Jim Fricks and Bob Futrell from the "OC." have had some memorable days on the river with us over the years. Baaab?Ķ Jeeem?Ķ I want to emphasize that you need to establish your prior trip as a baseline for future fishing endeavors, OK! (inside joke here) They whacked em'!
The Jeff Menius from Ramona, CA and Jeff Woolsen show took their annual "dip and strip a thon" with Wooley spanking several jumbo fish on a Spruce-a-bu pattern in the morning to get bragging rights this trip. "JM" proved the "left side" is a good thang?Ķ in the afternoon.
Fun day guys, thanks!
Pleasant Valley Reservoir: Good
The inlet has really picked up but with the reservoir level still high for this time of year there is still limited access for fly fishers. The short river section is fishing great at times in some sections and a dry/bead head dropper combo is the way to go. Tiger and zebra midges rule here #16-18.
Freeze tubers are getting into some chunky Alpers rainbows trolling and stripping streamer patterns near the dam, launch ramp, and transition water near the inlet. Moderate to heavy sink tips, or full sinking type fours will get you into the "sweet spot."
Loebergs, blood sucking Vanderleeches, and Agent Orange patterns are solid choices.
The Gorge: Good
Do some moderate hiking and you will find the effort worth the while. Dry dropper combos or just a FAT bwo pattern presented in a seductive manner will get you looks all day here. No ice, no evil nettle, no competition.
You can pick up our Authentic & Improved Sierra Drifters Guide Flies, Sungicators & Killer Kits only at the following stand out locations (don't be fooled by any of the imitations out there!): Kittredge Sports in Mammoth Lakes, Malibu Fish'n Tackle in Thousand Oaks, The San Diego Fly Shop and Stroud's Tackle in San Diego, The Fishermen's Spot in Van Nuys, Bob Marriott's in Fullerton, Buz's Fly Shop Too in Bakersfield and online at www.bigfishhappen.com. There are links to these locations at www.sierradrifters.com/resources.htm. We pride our Guide Service & Products on Innovation not Imitation!
FISH ON BABY!!! Now that I have your undivided attention we need you all to write the Cal DFG Commissioners and express your approval of the new regulations opening sections of the Upper Owens River, Hot Creek and the tailwater section of the East Walker River to year round fishing beginning on March 1st 2007. We have included a link to the new regulations and as usual you can click on the button providing important DFG news by visiting our website at www.sierradrifters.com. DFG commission info at http://www.fgc.ca.gov/
We at Sierra Drifters Guide Service support the new regulations and feel the additional year round water will benefit all catch and release fisherman with little impact on the fisheries, enforcement or search and rescue organizations. Get the word out friends we need to make our opinions heard.
Be the fly friends?Ķ
Tom Loe
Sierra Drifters Guide Service
We are finally receiving much needed precipitation on the east slope and the weather models are indicating a moist jet stream through next week. The cold dry air mass that has been anchored over the Sierra has finally moved out and a more seasonal pattern is developing bringing warmer temps and ideal conditions for a strong baetis emergence in short order. Have those bwo patterns ready, we are gonna have some great dry fly activity soon!
On March first of 2007 (yup, next month!) catch and release anglers WILL be able to fish the waters of Hot Creek, The Upper Owens River above the Benton Crossing Bridge and the East Walker River below the Bridgeport Reservoir Dam. There was some local opposition to the new regulations that was recognized by the DFG Commissioners meeting in Monterey recently and they have put a spot on the agenda in July to evaluate the new regs and amend them if data to support negative impacts warrants the change. We strongly encourage you to make your opinions known to the Commission; do not assume that others are doing it! There is a link provided to contact them. We have year round professional guides available to assist you in these areas. Come on up and be one of the first to experience early spring fly fishing on several of our blue ribbon trout waters!
Guide tips for winter time catch and release fishing:
Below freezing air temperatures can harm the gill filaments and eye lenses on trout. When fishing in freezing conditions try not to remove the fish from the water, and do what ever is necessary to keep the heads of the trout fully submerged when executing a release and revival. Do not net or "bounce" them on a snow or ice bank, it is a death sentence.
Do not fish rivers or streams that have "bed ice" or thick anchor ice that has formed below the surface of running or moderately moving water. This happens when air temps get below or near zero for a prolonged period of time. The fish are under extreme stress at this time and struggling to hold in deeper pools, their metabolisms are very slow and they need to be left alone without being "spooked" from vital holding areas. They are not feeding at all during this time and it is foolish and detrimental to attempt fishing during this condition. This type of condition is also not pleasant to fish in and can be hazardous to wade in. A slip or fall in this temperature will transform you into a "fish sickle" and can put you in the hospital with hypothermia or frostbite.
If your rod guides freeze do NOT break the ice off with your fingers. Insert the rod into the water and let it melt off. Quickly false cast the water off before it refreezes. This will get you back in business for a while. Chipping the ice off the guides by hand will eventually damage your guides and may end your day.
If your fly fishing "guide" freezes you may consider chipping the ice off him or her, do NOT insert your "guide" in the water, this will definitely end your day during a winter guided fly fishing trip! Hydrate him or her with copious amounts of warm, mildly alcoholic beverages and give them a hug!
The Hot Creek Hatchery has tested positive in some areas for the NZMS. It is currently in quarantine status according to the hatchery manager and DFG biologists conducting comprehensive examinations of the entire facility. We have been told that although this is a serious situation and the invasion of the snail here will alter some regimented schedules, business should be "pretty much the same" this summer with regards to stocking of local waters. We will keep you informed as information is released.
Sincere thanks go to the San Diego Fly Fishers and the Stroud's for hosting my Sierra Fly Fishing presentation last week. Great turnout, I actually got a little stage fright!
If you missed the San Diego show you can see future presentations at the following:
Tom Loe is on the road again and will be visiting Buz's Fly Shop Too in Bakersfield on Saturday February 24th 2007 for their "Grand Opening" at the new location. Loe will be doing a Power Point presentation on fishing the waters of the Eastern Sierra as well as some major BS-ing with all in attendance. Owner Larry Goates will be inviting other pro fly fishing personalities to attend this party. Come on by and shoot the breeze, win some door prizes and get some free guidance on fishing the waters of the Eastern Sierra. The shop opens at nine and will close at 4 in the afternoon. The Power Point show starts around eleven and will be about an hour in length. Contact Buzs at 661-395-0032 or email them at buzsflyshop@yahoo.com
Tom will also be doing a Power Point seminar on March 31st 2007 at Bob Marriott's Fly Fishing Store in Fullerton. This show will be in conjunction with Bob's Sierra preview and there will be other industry pros and great gear on sale to get you ready for the new Sierra trout season. Put this one on your calendar and come by and talk trout, pick up guide tips and pointers on fly fishing trout in the Sierra. Contact Marriott's at 800-535-6633 and ask for Kevin Bell, or visit Bob's web at http://www.bobmarriotts.net
Lower Owens River: Very good-good
We have enjoyed some fine "catching" during the last two weeks mostly due to the stable water flows and a moderate weather change that has warmed the water temps back into the low forties most days.
Releases at the Pleasant Valley dam are currently 125cfs and holding. The LADWP link from our website is currently accurate. Flows are forecast to decrease even further we are told around February 20th. There will be major repair being done to the aqueduct and even the gorge release is forecast to be lowered.
The wild trout section has been like an episode out of the Twilight Zone and do not be surprised if you see Rod Serling wading here with fly rod in hand. Some guys are getting into fish with consistency; others are just flat failing. I would like to suggest that when you fish a trout stream or river during the winter, it is vital that you alter your methods and key on presenting your imitations in alternative water. With rare exceptions you will find trout holding in distinctly different lairs in colder water than you would, say water that is in the 47 degree range and up. Look for "softer, deeper" water in the larger bends. A pool that offers a significant riffle leading into a large oxbow bend with a long deep tail out will hold more fish than a long riffle, a plunge pool, an overgrown undercut bank, etc... During low flows and cold water you will observe that 90 percent of the fish will congregate in less than ten percent of the water. This is the reason that some anglers are getting into fish here, and others are just going through the motions.
As the daylight periods increase and the water warms leading into spring, you will see the fish move into more opportunistic holds. We have already seen several substantial baetis hatches this month and with the consistent flows this emergence will only become more prevalent. Have tandem nymph rigs ready with midges and may flies for the morning, a dry fly rod with your favorite bwo #18 pattern during the afternoon hatch, and get the nymph rig out again in the late afternoon.
The guided drift trips are rocking and we are seeing some of the larger models on the majority of the days. These lower sections of the river fish differently than the immediate tail out and we have better results fishing streamer patterns, switching to dries for the hatch if the conditions warrant. The Spruce-a-bu has saved our bacon numerous times recently and has attributed to a number of big rainbows and browns. If you choose to fish this pattern I suggest that you incorporate plenty of lengthy pauses or hesitations in your retrieve. Grabs will come on the stop, or as you begin to tug after the pause. "Dip and strip." Learn it. Do it. Believe in it!
Joe Richey from Thousand Oaks, CA brought his pal Dave Herrmann out from Pennsylvania to drift the Owens River and show him what a great winter time trout fishery this tail water can be. Drifters guide "Fill" Therrien got Joe the money fish on this trip. Great day guys, thank you!
Veteran Sierra Drifters Larry "LD" Daniels and Robert "Robby" McCartney from the San Berdo, CA region punished the rainbows and browns recently with "LD" getting big fish honors on their way to over forty to the net!
Bill "Willy" Amans from Lakewood, CA had a dream day on the Lower "O" recently while drifting solo. Willy had a ten fish stop in one pool alone! Check out this awesome rainbow and other pictures by visiting our fish report at http://www.sierradrifters.com/fish.html
Longtime Drifters Jim Fricks and Bob Futrell from the "OC." have had some memorable days on the river with us over the years. Baaab?Ķ Jeeem?Ķ I want to emphasize that you need to establish your prior trip as a baseline for future fishing endeavors, OK! (inside joke here) They whacked em'!
The Jeff Menius from Ramona, CA and Jeff Woolsen show took their annual "dip and strip a thon" with Wooley spanking several jumbo fish on a Spruce-a-bu pattern in the morning to get bragging rights this trip. "JM" proved the "left side" is a good thang?Ķ in the afternoon.
Fun day guys, thanks!
Pleasant Valley Reservoir: Good
The inlet has really picked up but with the reservoir level still high for this time of year there is still limited access for fly fishers. The short river section is fishing great at times in some sections and a dry/bead head dropper combo is the way to go. Tiger and zebra midges rule here #16-18.
Freeze tubers are getting into some chunky Alpers rainbows trolling and stripping streamer patterns near the dam, launch ramp, and transition water near the inlet. Moderate to heavy sink tips, or full sinking type fours will get you into the "sweet spot."
Loebergs, blood sucking Vanderleeches, and Agent Orange patterns are solid choices.
The Gorge: Good
Do some moderate hiking and you will find the effort worth the while. Dry dropper combos or just a FAT bwo pattern presented in a seductive manner will get you looks all day here. No ice, no evil nettle, no competition.
You can pick up our Authentic & Improved Sierra Drifters Guide Flies, Sungicators & Killer Kits only at the following stand out locations (don't be fooled by any of the imitations out there!): Kittredge Sports in Mammoth Lakes, Malibu Fish'n Tackle in Thousand Oaks, The San Diego Fly Shop and Stroud's Tackle in San Diego, The Fishermen's Spot in Van Nuys, Bob Marriott's in Fullerton, Buz's Fly Shop Too in Bakersfield and online at www.bigfishhappen.com. There are links to these locations at www.sierradrifters.com/resources.htm. We pride our Guide Service & Products on Innovation not Imitation!
FISH ON BABY!!! Now that I have your undivided attention we need you all to write the Cal DFG Commissioners and express your approval of the new regulations opening sections of the Upper Owens River, Hot Creek and the tailwater section of the East Walker River to year round fishing beginning on March 1st 2007. We have included a link to the new regulations and as usual you can click on the button providing important DFG news by visiting our website at www.sierradrifters.com. DFG commission info at http://www.fgc.ca.gov/
We at Sierra Drifters Guide Service support the new regulations and feel the additional year round water will benefit all catch and release fisherman with little impact on the fisheries, enforcement or search and rescue organizations. Get the word out friends we need to make our opinions heard.
Be the fly friends?Ķ
Tom Loe
Sierra Drifters Guide Service
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