Eagle Valley Reservoir Fish Report 11-14-07

Eagle Valley Reservoir - Pioche, NV (Lincoln County)

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

Anglers could have this small reservoir all to themselves and find trout fishing in the fair to good category. Nights have been cold. In addition to rainbow and tiger trout, fishermen could reel in some German browns. For browns throw something that looks meaty like a Woolly Bugger or crayfish pattern. For the others try rainbow PowerBait, worms or a combination of worms and mini marshmallows.

More Reports

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, November 14th, 2007
Echo Canyon Reservoir: Echo Canyon Reservoir Fish Report 11-14-07
Lake Mead: Lake Mead Fish Report 11-14-07
Lake Mohave: Lake Mohave Fish Report 11-14-07
: Urban Ponds Fish Report 11-14-07