Eldo to be at Day at the Docks!

by Steve Fukuto
(424) 2-ELDO-85

Captain TJ will be at DAY AT THE DOCKS this Sunday, April 19 with the ELDORADO moored at Point Loma Sportfishing. Come take a tour of the Eldorado.

As part of Day at the Docks, sit in the galley for Cooking Demonstrations from John Cassidy, Maylin Narravo, and Jack Persinger III.

Then, to cap off the day, the Eldorado will depart Point Loma Sportfishing at 7pm Sunday night to fish San Clemente Island Monday, returning to Long Beach Sportfishing at 7pm Monday night.
Price is $100 per person.

Work out your travel arrangements.


You can ride the Eldorado down to San Diego on Saturday night leaving Long Beach Sportfishing at 9pm, spend Sunday at DAY AT THE DOCKS, and fish Monday at San Clemente Island.

Contact Long Beach Sportfishing at www.longbeachsportfishing.com or call (562) 432-8993

You can book online!