Boaters score at Bridgeport

Bridgeport Reservoir - Bridgeport, CA (Mono County)

by Nor Cal Fish Reports

Bridgeport is still fishing pretty well from boats, and still a little tough from the shore. There have been some nice fish caught in the last few days from the shore near the bathtub area with crawlers and power bait but overall the shore action isn't as good as the boat action. Trolling has been best with small Rapalas and Needlefish and the bait fishing over north of Rainbow Point has been pretty good with inflated crawlers, Power Bait and Mice Tails. Haven't had any fly fishing reports yet but as the weather warms up a bit and the thunder showers go away the midging should start getting good. There's been some really nice perch caught that are in the 3 pound range, the browns have been in the 1 to 2.5 pound range and there have been rainbows caught up to around 6 pounds. (760) 932-7707

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Nor Cal Fish Reports Reports
for Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
Lake Almanor: Inconsistent bite at Almanor
Lake Amador: Good bluegill, solid trout at Amador
Anderson Reservoir: Rising water, better bass at Anderson
Antelope Lake: Antelope full, bite slow
Bear Lake: Good trout at Bear River Lake
Lake Berryessa: Berryessa trout, kokes better
Boca Reservoir: Some action at Boca
Bucks Lake: Solid kokanee bite at Bucks
Bullards Bar Reservoir: Koke action improves at Bullards Bar
Calero Lake: Go bright at murky Calero
Lake Camanche: Big cats, some trout at Camanche
Lake Chabot: Solid bass bite at Chabot
Chesbro Reservoir: Chatter for bass at Chesbro
Clear Lake: Clear Lake top water improving
Collins Lake: Collins Lake a winner
Contra Loma Reservoir: Fair trout, evening bass at Contra Loma
Lake Davis: Tough go at Davis
Del Valle Lake: Striper, trout in DV narrows
Donner Lake: Donner producing shoreline trout
Don Pedro Reservoir: Bankies get bass at Don Pedro
Indian Creek Reservoir: Indian Creek to get plant soon
Gold Lake: Shore anglers get trout in Gold Lake Basin
June Lake: Slow bite at June Lake
Gull Lake: Sporadic bite at Gull
Silver Lake: Silver top loop lake
Lafayette Reservoir: Lafayette trout bite hot
Lexington Reservoir: Cats biting at Lexington
Lewiston Lake: Lewiston trout willing
Lopez Lake : Trout fair at Lopez
Los Vaqueros Reservoir: LV fishes well through the wind
Lake Mendocino: Stripers on the Mendo menu
Lake Oroville: Bass active at Oroville
Pardee Reservoir: Pardee bite tough
Prosser Reservoir: Prosser arm best spot
Pyramid Lake: Pyramid bite winding down
Quarry Lakes: Algae plagues Quarry Lakes
San Luis Reservoir: San Luis worth a striper try
San Pablo Reservoir: Shoreline best at San Pablo
Shadow Cliffs Reservoir: Trout plant should boost Shadow Cliffs
Shasta Lake: Go early, beat skiiers at Shasta
Lake Sonoma: Sonoma bass turning on
Stampede Reservoir: Stampede koke bite on
Lake Tahoe: Mixed bag at Tahoe
Trinity Lake: Trinity bass steady
Uvas Reservoir: Uvas cats waiting
American River: American River shad edging up
Carson River: Carson forks stuffed with trout
Feather River: Feather stripers back on
Napa River: Napa action scattered
Feather River: Colusa shad good, striper fair
Sacramento River: Stripers, shad in Butte Co.
Truckee River: Truckee ready for weekend
Yuba River: Yuba worth a shad
Feather River: Middle Fork Feather worth a hike
Feather River: North Fork trout biting below Caribou
Sacramento Delta: Stripers moving toward Antioch
: Benicia shoreline producing stripers
Discovery Bay: Clear water, stripers in Disco Bay
Sacramento Delta: Topwater the ticket in Franks Tract
Sacramento Delta: Shad, stripers, smallmouth in Freeport
Sacramento Delta: Blowout in Pittsburg
Sacramento Delta: West side hot spot in Rio Vista
Sacramento Delta: Variety available near Stockton
: Bait in and out at Capitola
: Great rock cod bite in Crescent City
: Eureka rock cod great, salmon elusive
: Fort Bragg rock cod plentiful
: Stripers hitting Pacifica beaches
: South Bay halibut bite turning on
: No slowing San Pablo Bay striper bite
: Sturgeon hooked at Martinez Pier