Del Valle Lake Fish Report

Del Valle Lake - Livermore, CA (Alameda County)

by Del Valle Marina
(510) 544-3146

Lots of fish were caught this week, and I mean lots of them! Multiple anglers had mixed bags of Rainbow Trout and Striped Bass, most of these mixed bags were limited out 5 Trout and 2 Stripers. Some of the Trout caught were even reported eating "Anchovies". This would be a first for me but, I don't doubt it since Trout are a predator and eat other fish. Water temperature is still hovering around 70 degrees. Mount Lassen planted 1,000 pounds of trophy Trout this week which is sure to stimulate an aggressive Trout bite for next week. Power bait is still the most effective way to catch them but night crawlers are just as good.

Even though fishermen are still catching limits of Rainbows, were seeing just as many limits of Striped Bass in all size ranges. Lately we haven't seen very many big stripes except for the 17 pounder caught by an unknown anglers this week. Surprisingly he was Trout fishing with Power-Bait and 6 pound mono. He fought this monster for over 30 minutes before successfully landing the fish. Other fishermen are having luck with cut baits, Anchovies are the favorite but, I prefer Sardines or Mackerel because it’s a more oily flesh.

We should start seeing catfish again here soon since the wind has died down during the day allowing the heat to set in. Just wait until we have at least one week of 90-100 degree weather, then hang onto that catfish pole because they are going to be hungry and aggressive. That's it for this week’s report. If you come up to Del Valle PLEASE bring you fish in so we can get pictures of them and I can enter you into my weekly report! We love seeing you and your fish so come on up drop a line and stay awhile! Good Luck! -Dan

Anglers of the week

Unknown fisherman caught a 17.5 lb Striped Bass on Power Bait no location reported Ted Land of San Jose Caught a 9.23 lb Trout on a lure by the Dam

Jesse of Alamo caught a 9.45 lb Trout on a white grub in Tarantula Cove

George of Selenas caught a 4.5 lb Striped Bass on Anchovies in the Narrows

Dustin Lucas of Hayward caught 2 Trout largest was 5.73 lbs on Power Bait in the Narrows

Cecilia of Hayward caught a 1.7 lb Trout on night crawlers on East Beach

Clay Frades of Pleasanton caught a mixed bag of Trout and Stripes on Kastmasters and Anchovies out by the Dam

Gabriel Cota of Hayward caught a mixed bag of Trout and Stripes on Anchovies by the Dam

Frank Souza of Oakland caught 2 large Trout on Orange Power Bait out by the Dam

Konmy Hwang of Stockton caught a 2.6 lb Trout on Bait by the Dam

Nick Downing of Liverrnore caught a 1.5 lb Trout on Power Bait off of East Beach

Larry Giorgio of Liverrnore caught 2 Striped Bass on Anchovies no location reported.

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Del Valle Lake
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Del Valle Lake
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