Inconsistent bite at Almanor

Lake Almanor - CA (Plumas County)

by Nor Cal Fish Reports

Surface temps pushing 61 degrees by midday. With the cloudy mornings, silver dodgers or flashers are the go-to. Once skies clear, switch to fast action rigs like 1/6 ounce Speedy Shiners, Needle Fish #2 silver, white, or 3 red dot frog. Dodger/crawlers presented slowly also will work. Add Pro-Cure trophy trout, and or, carp spit for added attraction. Areas that produced for us this past week have been the Dorado on the east shore, Rec.1 to A-frame, and the USFS ramp to Almanor West. Doug Neal: (530) 258-6732

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Nor Cal Fish Reports Reports
for Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
Lake Amador: Good bluegill, solid trout at Amador
Anderson Reservoir: Rising water, better bass at Anderson
Antelope Lake: Antelope full, bite slow
Bear Lake: Good trout at Bear River Lake
Lake Berryessa: Berryessa trout, kokes better
Boca Reservoir: Some action at Boca
Bridgeport Reservoir: Boaters score at Bridgeport
Bucks Lake: Solid kokanee bite at Bucks
Bullards Bar Reservoir: Koke action improves at Bullards Bar
Calero Lake: Go bright at murky Calero
Lake Camanche: Big cats, some trout at Camanche
Lake Chabot: Solid bass bite at Chabot
Chesbro Reservoir: Chatter for bass at Chesbro
Clear Lake: Clear Lake top water improving
Collins Lake: Collins Lake a winner
Contra Loma Reservoir: Fair trout, evening bass at Contra Loma
Lake Davis: Tough go at Davis
Del Valle Lake: Striper, trout in DV narrows
Donner Lake: Donner producing shoreline trout
Don Pedro Reservoir: Bankies get bass at Don Pedro
Indian Creek Reservoir: Indian Creek to get plant soon
Gold Lake: Shore anglers get trout in Gold Lake Basin
June Lake: Slow bite at June Lake
Gull Lake: Sporadic bite at Gull
Silver Lake: Silver top loop lake
Lafayette Reservoir: Lafayette trout bite hot
Lexington Reservoir: Cats biting at Lexington
Lewiston Lake: Lewiston trout willing
Lopez Lake : Trout fair at Lopez
Los Vaqueros Reservoir: LV fishes well through the wind
Lake Mendocino: Stripers on the Mendo menu
Lake Oroville: Bass active at Oroville
Pardee Reservoir: Pardee bite tough
Prosser Reservoir: Prosser arm best spot
Pyramid Lake: Pyramid bite winding down
Quarry Lakes: Algae plagues Quarry Lakes
San Luis Reservoir: San Luis worth a striper try
San Pablo Reservoir: Shoreline best at San Pablo
Shadow Cliffs Reservoir: Trout plant should boost Shadow Cliffs
Shasta Lake: Go early, beat skiiers at Shasta
Lake Sonoma: Sonoma bass turning on
Stampede Reservoir: Stampede koke bite on
Lake Tahoe: Mixed bag at Tahoe
Trinity Lake: Trinity bass steady
Uvas Reservoir: Uvas cats waiting
American River: American River shad edging up
Carson River: Carson forks stuffed with trout
Feather River: Feather stripers back on
Napa River: Napa action scattered
Feather River: Colusa shad good, striper fair
Sacramento River: Stripers, shad in Butte Co.
Truckee River: Truckee ready for weekend
Yuba River: Yuba worth a shad
Feather River: Middle Fork Feather worth a hike
Feather River: North Fork trout biting below Caribou
Sacramento Delta: Stripers moving toward Antioch
: Benicia shoreline producing stripers
Discovery Bay: Clear water, stripers in Disco Bay
Sacramento Delta: Topwater the ticket in Franks Tract
Sacramento Delta: Shad, stripers, smallmouth in Freeport
Sacramento Delta: Blowout in Pittsburg
Sacramento Delta: West side hot spot in Rio Vista
Sacramento Delta: Variety available near Stockton
: Bait in and out at Capitola
: Great rock cod bite in Crescent City
: Eureka rock cod great, salmon elusive
: Fort Bragg rock cod plentiful
: Stripers hitting Pacifica beaches
: South Bay halibut bite turning on
: No slowing San Pablo Bay striper bite
: Sturgeon hooked at Martinez Pier