Upper Owens Cutts

Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) - Eastern Sierra, CA (Mono County)

Great friend, and long time Drifter Mark Vidovich got into some nice cutty’s on his trip to the UO.
Photo Credit: Sierra Drifters

by Tom Loe

It was good while it lasted! The spring run of cutthroat is pretty much over, and most of the fish are on the way back to the lake; or are spawned out. There remain a few scattered pods of staging fish; but they are smaller, & beat up for the most part. Some good sized rainbows are also around in the deeper pools looking to snack on dislodged cutthroat eggs. The section downstream from the Benton Bridge all the way to Crowley Lake is now open. Special regs remain in place above the bridge. As summer rolls on look for the smaller resident fish, and those that will get planted to provide action along the UO. Small dark spring caddis, & micro midges are triggering feeding activity from the resident trout on the warmer days. Attractor patterns will get you looks from what is left of the bigs. SJ worms, crystal Vanderleeches, crystal soft eggs, Assassins, and Agent Orange patterns have got us into them while nymphing below an Under-cator. Size 16/18 adult Blue Winged Olive patterns, & small parachute midges will replicate the hatches. Flashback pheasant tails, & Assassins are spot on replicas for the nymph stage of this cold water mayfly. Use #18-22 gillies, crystal chironomid pupa, broken back midges, crystal tiger, & zebra midges for nymphs that imitate midge larva or emergers. Caddis larva are present on the stream bed pumice rocks now. Olive crystal caddis imitations can be a good call for the resident fish grubbing the bottom during warmer periods. Parachute adult midges will get you looks when the fish are feeding on the “clusters” late afternoons. I have seen a good number of trout fry along the banks, and in the slack water. Small Punk Perch, & crystal leeches fished below an Under-Cator can get some nice bows to hit these “strymph” patterns as they hunt for the tiny meals.

More Reports

Tom Loe Reports
for Sunday, May 29th, 2016
Crowley Lake: Crowley Lake Fly Report
McGee Creek: McGee Creek Cutthroat Report
Owens River - Middle: Middle Owens Heats Up
Hot Creek: Hot Creek Fly Report
Pleasant Valley Reservoir: Pleasant Valley Reservoir Update
Owens River - Gorge: The Gorge Update
Bridgeport Reservoir: Bridgeport Marina is For Sale!
East Walker River (CA): East Walker River Update
West Walker River (CA): West Walker Blown Out
Jurassic Pond (Private): Jurassic Pond Update

Tom Loe Reports
for Tuesday, May 10th, 2016
Crowley Lake: Crowley Lake Update
McGee Creek: Cutts Still Remain in Lake
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Disappointment
Owens River - Middle: Picking Up
Hot Creek: Running High
Pleasant Valley Reservoir: Good
Owens River - Gorge: Gorge Update
Bridgeport Reservoir: Fishing is Mixed
East Walker River (CA): Conditions Improving