Fish Report for 1-28-2008
The Big Halibut Derby

by Bill Roecker
Marina Del Rey Anglers announces the 34th Annual Marina Del Rey Halibut Derby will take place on April 5 and 6, 2008.?? Ken Raymond, president of MDRA said, "We expect over 800 anglers to compete for over $65,000 in cash and prizes, and that this years event will be bigger, better and more fun than ever."?? There will be spectacular prizes and raffle items including deluxe fishing vacations to the Van Wormer's Punta Colorada Hotel and Resort in the beautiful??East Cape area of Baja California, Sitka Point Lodge in Alaska, The Inn at Mazatlan, El Cid, Las Flores Resort,??fishing trips on the new luxurious Intrepid and Vagabond, as well as a shot at a brand new Toyota Tundra Truck from Marina Del Rey Toyota.?? The derby dates take advantage of the best tide and moon cycle, so come out and be one of the big winners.
Co-chair of this year's event, Stan Zisser, reminds us that there will be many ways to compete, and you certainly do not need to own your own boat.?? Sportfishing boats, including the Betty-O out of Marina del Rey Sportfishing will dedicate the weekend to the halibut derby.?? Kayakers and float tubers are consistently catching big halibut and will even have there own separate division with a separate jack pot and trophies.?? "Nowadays there is no excuse for missing this fun and charitable event," said Stan Zisser. ??"This year we will have another separate Kayak Division to recognize the fastest growing sector of the fishing industry and to increase accessibility and participation to everybody who wants to compete.?? I want to personally challenge and encourage all kayakers to come out join the fun and win some of the big prizes."
"We are really increasing the excitement for anglers catching big halibut this year," added Raymond.?? "The Grand Prize for the largest halibut will be an all inclusive fishing trip for two at the beautiful Punta Colorada Hotel and Resort in the marlin capital of the world in the East Cape of Baja California.?? If the winning halibut is over 40 pounds a bonus prize of a fishing trip for two to Sitka Point Lodge in Alaska will be awarded.?? The angler with the biggest halibut over 50 pounds will be driving a new Toyota truck, compliments of Marina del Rey Toyota."
There will also be many easy ways to sign up:
1.???????? Mail-in registration forms will be mailed to past participants,
2.???????? The MDR Halibut Derby registration booth at the Fred Hall Show,
3.???????? The Halibut Fishing Seminar at Burton Chace Park on March 12,
4.???????? On-line registration at
5.???????? Last minute registration at Burton Chace Park from 3 to 8 PM all week before the event, and??
The MDR Halibut Derby is the largest fishing tournament on the west coast, and boasts one of the largest assemblies of cash and non-cash prizes and is a ton of fun.?? Two full days of fishing are followed by a huge awards dinner and prize ceremony.?? This is a 100% charity event.?? All labor is voluntary and all proceeds go to fund MDRA's youth fishing program and the White Seabass Ocean Enhancement Program.?? So private boaters, party boaters and kayakers, mark your 2008 calendars for April 5 & 6 for the derby, and for March 12 for the halibut fishing seminar.?? Please visit for more details or call Stan Zisser at 310/306-9781.
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