Top Ten Tuna

by Bill Roecker

Mark Gasich, 399.6 pounds, Polaris Supreme, Clarion Island, November 15, 1992 Dave Manella, 395.4 pounds, Royal Polaris, Clarion Island, Feb 19, 1993 Curt Wiesenhutter, 399.75 pounds, San Benedicto Island, April 1, 1977 Al Herzog, 380 pounds, Qualifier 105, San Bendicto Island, January 11, 1981 Corky Yokoe, 376.38 pounds, Royal Polaris, Clarion Island, January 5, 1996 Joe Simmons, 370 pounds, Clarion Island, Qualifier 105, June 1989 Dick McKenzie, 364.8 pounds, Royal Polaris, Clarion Island, April 20, 1982 Dick Minor, 363.9 pounds, Polaris Supreme, Roca Partida, January 1993 Roger Hawtree, 361.9 pounds, Royal Polaris, Clarion Island, January 12, 1992 Jim Nemlowill, 361.63 pounds, Red Rooster III, Socorro Island, December 6, 1981 (John Carbone, Doc Ski and John Klein all pulled on a 377-pounder aboard Q-105 at Clarion Island December 14, 1991.)


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