Utah Fish Report
Pleasant Valley Reservoir Fish Report for 2-23-2007
Pleasant Valley Reservoir Fish Report for 2-23-2007
Pleasant Valley Reservoir Report
Pleasant Valley Reservoir - Bishop, CA (Inyo County)

The inlet section has been fishing much better since the flows have lowered and although the numbers are still on the low side historically, there are some large rainbows on the chew.?? Dry dropper combos with olive zebras or tigers #16-18 as the dropper are getting looks in the short river section leading into the reservoir proper.?? Solid baetis hatches around noon will dictate a change to bwo adult patterns #18 if you like it on top.
Tubers are still getting into some slammers between the launch ramp and the inlet trolling or chucking streamer patterns like Loebergs or Spruce-a-bu's #8-10.?? Keep your bugs down at the ten foot depth for best results.
Tubers are still getting into some slammers between the launch ramp and the inlet trolling or chucking streamer patterns like Loebergs or Spruce-a-bu's #8-10.?? Keep your bugs down at the ten foot depth for best results.
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Owens RiverAs forecast the flows have dropped to 100cfs.?? The LADWP real time flow link is currently hit and miss; and it has been more miss than hit the last few days.?? They are doing a bunch of work on the aqueduct. The baetis hatch is in full swing and most days you will see a "sure thing" beginning around noon with the finale ending ninety minutes later.?? #18 bwo patterns, 6X tippet with an 8-9 foot leader.?? Look for significant riffles...... Read More
President's Fish Report 2007
Howdy friends and Sierra Drifters. Best fishes to all for this Presidents fish report from the Eastern High Sierra. We are finally receiving much needed precipitation on the east slope and the weather models are indicating a moist jet stream through next week. The cold dry air mass that has been anchored over the Sierra has finally moved out and a more seasonal pattern is developing bringing warmer temps and ideal conditions for a strong baetis emergence in...... Read More

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