Still Some Nice Fish Being Caught.

East Walker River Sceirine Ranch - Lyon County, NV (Lyon County)

by Jim Reid

Like the other sections of the EW the ranch has toughened up a bit but there are still some nice fish being caught. It seems as though the browns are a little more shy than the rainbows lately as the bows are making more of a showing down there than the browns. Most of the same patterns that are working on the California section will work well on the Sceirine as well. We are still getting quite a few bookings for the ranch so if you’re interested in booking some time down there try to give us a call early so we can get you on there

More Reports

Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Sunday, July 15th, 2018
East Walker River (CA): Now Running at 232 cfs
Hunewill Pond: The Mowing Job was Successful!
Bridgeport Reservoir: Bridgeport is Still Kicking out Some Very Nice Fish!
Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): Nice Fish from Both the Upper and the Lower!
West Walker River (CA): The West has Shaped up Nicely!
Virginia Lakes: Mornings and Evenings are the Best!

Gilligan's Fly Service Reports
for Sunday, July 8th, 2018
East Walker River (CA): Best Technique is Nymphing.
East Walker River Sceirine Ranch: Nymphing has Been Holding Out Very Well!
Hunewill Pond: Dainty Damsel Nymphs Was the Bug of Choice!
Bridgeport Reservoir: Still Fishing Very Well Lately!
: Fly Fishing and Bait Fishing has Still Been Pretty Good!
West Walker River (CA): The West is Starting to Shape up Nicely!
Virginia Lakes: The Virginias are Still Kicking Out Some Nice Fish!