Bonito, Rockfish & Whitefish

Photo Credit: Coral Sea

by Jamie Diamond
(805) 886-0454

Open party 3/4 day island trip Good afternoon gang. We encountered a good bite on the trophy size bonito for our morning. After the blood cleared we captured 37 of that good grade bone and made our way across to the islands . We started catching Whitefish and nice grade chuckleheads right away to fill in the bags with other miscellaneous rockfish and also bagged a couple trophy size sheepheads along the way. 

Total count for our 24 anglers 
173 rockfish 
192 whitefish 
37 bonito
5 sheephead
1 lingcod 
1 barracuda 

Our next available trips are Wednesday 3/4 day trip and Friday 1/2 day trip. Call sea landing at 805-963-3564 or book online at

If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (805) 963-3564 to get in on the action

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