Bucket List Brown Trout

Siskiyou Lake - Mount Shatsa, CA (Siskiyou County)

Photo Credit: Scott Caldwell

by Scott Caldwell

4/29/19 - It was a relaxing and awesome Sunday helping my buddy Randy Wells land his first Brown Trout and check another Trout species off his  bucket list, thanks Randy and Jeremy for a hilarious fun day on Lake Siskiyou.

The bite at Lake Siskiyou continues to be an early morning affair. Once the Sun is up on water for a while the bite has been shutting down. Trolling plugs, flies and Sep's Dodgers and spoons dipped in Pro-Cure bloody garlic tuna first thing in morning, at speeds between 1 an 3.5 mph all over the lake has been the best methods for hooking up on some fat browns and rainbows. 

VIDEO from yesterday's trip 

Give me a call 530 905 0758 or book online at Caldwellfishing.com

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