Truckee River Fish Report for 9-16-2019
Truckee River Fishing Report
Truckee River

by Matt Koles
(775) 351-6665
I guess if you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes.
Ballistic hot over the weekend, snowing in the Hirsch today. Thought I was going to pass out from heat stroke on Friday, no wind, out in the sun all day. Shitty fishing. Sometimes the trouts don’t want to be on our schedule. Can’t blame them to be honest. Now, we have some good fall weather. Fishing will be much better.
Hard rain and snow all day today. We usually get a good duster in September. It’ll all melt tomorrow. We’ll have some warm days, but I think the 90’s are behind us.
This was the deal: Not too good out East yet on the lower Truckee River. That will change this week. I’m guessing water temps will be in the upper 50’s, perfect. Was about 62-64 last week.
West of Reno: Really good right now. Lots of dinks with the occasional fish of a lifetime shot. Good action all day. Fun to hook trouts all day, most especially on this river. Water temps were around 58-60 last week. Should cool a bit more and get the bigger fish going.
Stateline to Hirschdale: Good, Just be prepared to dress warm in the mornings with the downslope winds. 30’s with wind and shade is cold. Here in Hirschdale, we’ll start getting fog about every morning soon. It’ll be cold in the morning.
September is a weird month weather wise and fishing wise. It can be cold at night and hot during the afternoon. Fish will move around a lot this month. Look for fish hanging in slower water in the mornings, and moving into faster water in the afternoons to feed when the water warms. You have to really adjust. Sometime you make the right adjustments, sometimes you don’t, that’s fishing.
I have a combined tight line-steamer clinic on October 5th. Get on the good foot and up your game.
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