Columbia River Fish Report for 11-23-2020
Columbia River Report
Columbia River

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Free Fishing Days – Nov. 27-28
#optoutside for Black Friday
The Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving are Free Fishing Days in Oregon. That means you can fish, crab or clam for free – no license, tag or endorsement required. Some restrictions apply, as in all current closures, bag limits and other regulations still apply.
Tips to recreate responsibly
We continue to urge anglers and others recreating outside to stay close to home, keep your social distance, and travel safely. Here’s more information about how to recreate responsibly.
Current and Upcoming Fishing Opportunities:
- Fall salmon seasons are open from Buoy 10 upstream to the Hwy 395 Bridge in Pasco, WA (see Sport Fishing Regulations Updates page for additional regulation details).
- White sturgeon retention is closed from Buoy 10 upstream to the Oregon/Washington Border (upstream of McNary Dam), but remains an option for catch-and-release fishing (see Sport Fishing Regulations Updates page for additional regulation details).
Columbia River regulation updates for salmon, steelhead, shad and sturgeon can be found above.
Salmon, Steelhead and Shad
The salmonid creel program on the lower Columbia has ended for the year and will resume February of 2021.
Bonneville Pool (Bonneville Dam upstream to The Dalles Dam):
Weekly checking showed eight adult and one jack coho kept for 23 boats (40 anglers).
The Dalles Pool (The Dalles Dam upstream to John Day Dam):
Weekly checking showed no catch for four boats (eight anglers).
John Day Pool (John Day Dam upstream to McNary Dam):
No report.
John Day Arm:
Weekly checking showed one steelhead kept and two released for five boats (12 anglers).
Bonneville Pool (Bonneville Dam upstream to The Dalles Dam): Closed for retention. No report.
The Dalles Pool (The Dalles Dam upstream to John Day Dam): Closed for retention. No report.
John Day Pool (John Day Dam upstream to McNary Dam): Closed for retention. Weekly checking showed three sublegal white sturgeon released for two boats (five anglers).
Bonneville Pool: No report.
The Dalles Pool: No report.
John Day Pool: Weekly checking showed 25 walleye kept for 14 boats (30 anglers).
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, November 20th, 2020
: Razor clam closure extended to entire coast
: Free Fishing Nov. 27-28 in Oregon
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