Crowley Lake Fish Report for 5-13-2021
Starting to pick up
Crowley Lake - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

by Jim Elias
Lake level is down about 6-8ft from the top. Water is still clear, surface temps are around 60 now, with bottom temps in the low 50s still.
Rod Size: #5-#6 Weights
Tippet Size: 3-4X
Dries: N/A
Leader: 9ft 3-4X
Nymphs: Red Baron #16, Copper Tiger #16, Gray/Black #16, Vader Midge #16, Zuchini #16, Black/Red Midge #16, Albino Baron Wine #16, Red Baron Wine #16
Streamers: Red Maribou Leech #12, Black Maribou Leech #12, Purple Maribou Leech #12, Wine Maribou Leech #12
Water temps are on the rise, and the fish are making their move. Starting to see fish consistently in more places now but the entire fleet is still over at Stormy Flats and Sometimes Bay. I've seen fish all around Sandy Point, Christmas Bay and back in Crooked Creek all in around 13-15ft of water. There are still fish all along the East side of McGee if you can find a spot to anchor your boat! The hatches have been absolutely INSANE! With that many bugs hatching the fish are just gorging themselves. Nearly every fish I've caught has burped up a little bit of the feast they spent all morning eating. Spread out your flies, I've been getting grabs on the very bottom, my middle and my upper fly which is upwards of 4-5ft off the bottom. You don't want to group them all together near the bottom you want to cover as much of the water column as you can instead. I typically run a larva pattern as my very bottom fly about 6-12" off the bottom with my middle fly about 14-18" above and then another fly another 18-24" above that. I find that I get a lot of refusals when I run my flies super close together because most fish think it's almost too good to be true, that and I find if you don't space out your flies you risk hooking the fish in the body with one of your upper flies and it's no fun losing a fish to something like that.
Fish Mammoth Guides Services is located in Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County). Fishing Guide, Jim Elias, can take you fishing on Crowley Lake, Upper Owens, Lower Owens and East Walker River. To book your guided fishing trip with Jim Elias please all him at (760) 582-2195 and for more information please visit his WEBSITE..
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Good fishing if it's not blowing!
Crowley Lake
Crowley Lake - Lake level is down about 6-8ft from the top. Water is clear with temps at 52-53 on the surface and...... Read More
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