Crowley Lake Fish Report for 6-3-2021
Finally some great weather! (fishing was good too!)
Crowley Lake - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

by Jim Elias
Lake level is dropping slowly. Water is still clear with the slightest tint of green. Surface temps are now in the mid to low 60s with bottom temps near 57.
Rod Size: #5-#6 Weights
Tippet Size: 3-4X
Dries: N/A
Leader: 9ft 3-4X or 15-20ft Deep Indicator Rig
Nymphs: Spiral Flash Grey #16, Copper/Black #16, Copper Tiger #16, Gray/Black #16, Vader Midge #16, Zuchini #16, Black/Red Midge #16, Albino Baron Wine #16, Red Baron Wine #16
Streamers: Red Maribou Leech #12, Black Maribou Leech #12, Purple Maribou Leech #12, Wine Maribou Leech #12
June is booking up fast! I have some open dates so if you want to get out here, book soon!
I'm not gonna lie, it's been a little weird out here the last week. The water is warming up VERY fast. It was barely 60 on the surface last thursday and by noon today it was 67!! This has the fish on the move and it makes things a little interesting. First, they have definitely moved out deeper, I'm getting the majority of my fish in 23-26ft of water now... It was going to happen sooner or later unfortunately. The next problem is I can find the fish, but I can't get them to eat. I was out at Layton a few days ago and marked tons of fish. We did pretty well over there til it shut off around 10:30. I go back the next day and the fish are there but they don't want to eat. Put the camera down to make sure they were trout and not all perch just to be sure. Gave it almost 2 hours and moved over to Stormy Flats and had a fish on within minutes. Next day I checked out Hilton and found the motherload. Lots of fish, and they were actually eating! Had a stellar day out there Tuesday in about 24ft with mostly Copper or Gray pupa patterns about a foot to a foot and a half off the bottom. Go back in there today, and I marked lots of fish, but again - could NOT get them to eat anything! Keep in mind by the time I made it over there it was already 11, and I heard from a friend or two that it shut down for them around 11, which is about the time I caught my last fish over in Stormy. Even got a few out deep at Sandy on the way over to Stormy today. Bottom line is it's been good if you can find fish that are eating. My advice is do what I've been doing. Drop anchor and fish, change flies a few times and move on. I'd give it 40 minutes tops and then move on.
Fish Mammoth Guides Services is located in Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County). Fishing Guide, Jim Elias, can take you fishing on Crowley Lake, Upper Owens, Lower Owens and East Walker River. To book your guided fishing trip with Jim Elias please all him at (760) 582-2195 and for more information please visit his WEBSITE..
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