Mantua Reservoir Fish Report for 8-29-2024
Fishing forecast
Mantua Reservoir - Mantua, Utah (Box Elder County)

by Utah Division of Wildlife
Fishing forecast (September through November): When water temperatures cool down, trout begin to head to shallower water in the reservoir while the warmwater fish, such as largemouth bass and bluegill, head deeper.
Trout: For shore anglers, try fishing trout dough bait or a worm off the bottom in shallow water. Boat anglers can do well trolling small crankbaits or pop gear and worm in depths of 10 to 15 feet.
Largemouth bass: The primary forage of this species are young bluegill and yellow perch. Try casting spinner baits, tube jigs, twist tail grubs and crankbaits perpendicular to shore.
Bluegill and sunfish: Try fishing a worm under a bobber on a size 8 or size 10 hook. Bluegill and other sunfish can often be found near submerged brush or aquatic vegetation.
Yellow perch: Fish a worm, either on the bottom or under a bobber, along the outside of areas with aquatic vegetation.
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