Fish Crowley If You Like to Catch Big Fish

Crowley Lake - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

by The Trout Fitter Staff

Water Conditions:
Good, clear water everywhere but small flecks of algae starting to show for next bloom in a few weeks I imagine. Lake is still as full as it gets. North end is crystal clear beyond the weeds last 250 yards to the mouth. Massive weed beds every where will come to the surface soon.

Fishing Conditions and Hatches:
Excellent if big fish do it for you! The big fish are really spread out from the mouth of McGee out to 22 ft of water all along the old channel and amongst the weeds eating fry. Midging is slow-steady from early to about noon but the fish are on the move daily so be prepared to keep moving if you can get a spot where you want to go. North end has a bunch of recent stockers that came to visit from the Owens. Some big fish show up occasionally. Stripping fry patterns is working everywhere, but they are small so skip the Matukas and Hornbergs.

Recommended Flies:

#16 Black Optimidge w/green flashback Mickey's Shaft Emerger - big, Ultimate Damsel, Jansens Calbaetis.

Extended body BWO's but not too many fish sipping on the surface yet. Try dry and dropper.

Stillwater Hares, Bird's Nest #16, Ultimate Damsel.

Guides Hint:
Strip or midge along well-defined weed lines for big fish cruising along the wall looking for errant fry.

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