Utah Fish Report
Crowley Lake Fish Report for 6-19-2007
Crowley Lake Fish Report for 6-19-2007
Crowley Lake Fish Report 06-19-07
Crowley Lake - Mammoth Lakes, CA (Mono County)

Please?Ķthis is no miracle; it is a predictable seasonal pattern with the lake currently turning over and the algae blooming with some areas being unfishable depending on the direction the wind is blowing.?? McGee Bay has enormous concentrations of fish, and if the wind blows from a westerly direction for a time it pushes the algae out into the middle sections of the lake leaving excellent conditions with large concentrations of rainbows seeking the cooler more oxygenated waters of McGee and Convict Creeks.?? 4-10 feet of water.?? If you aren't doing 40 to the net right now, you need help!
Big Hilton Creek flows into Little Hilton Bay and although the algae has a tendency to be thicker here, you may find excellent fishing during the right conditions this time of year.?? There will also be opportunities to fish the inlet of the Owens in its channel.?? The lake level is dropping and the weed beds will eventually become defined making it apparent where the channel lies under the lakes surface.
The algae bloom will not be as severe as last years "pea soup-a-thon".?? With the lack of run-off the lake does not get the nutrients that seep down from the banks.?? This will keep the turnover periods to a far lower duration than in the wet seasons.?? We will see "Epic" periods of fishing in July and August this year. I guarantee it unless the dam breaks!
The damsel fly nymph migration is in full swing with the afternoon callibaetis hatch also an option for you streamer tuggers.?? Tubers should troll along the scum lines and rafts of algae as these swimming nymphs seek refuge and cover in this type of condition prior to emerging.?? Fish higher in the water column (2-6 feet) and don't worry about your depth.?? These are amongst the largest aquatic insects Crowley has to offer and they will migrate well out into the middle of the lake hiding in these algae blankets
The chironomid (midge) hatch is heavy during a high or rising barometer and the trout are keying on this emergence when it occurs during the late mornings.?? Stillwater nymphing is the hot ticket if you can get into clean water.?? Gillies and crystal emerger's #18-20, are super flies for the pupal ascents.?? During heavy hatches we use twin emerger patterns and it is not vital to keep your dropper as close to the bottom.?? We are finding consistent activity in as deep as 18 feet of water in the North Arm.?? Cleaning your flies every cast is essential to getting takes under the current conditions.
The "Fish Magnets" of the Sierra Drifters fleet have been very busy on Crowley recently putting clients on some great fish.?? Guide "Fill" Therrien put the father and son duo of Kevin and Joe Tannehill from L.A. on numerous fish in McGee Bay recently and the two obliged by catching them.?? Check out the gorgeous cutt Joe outfoxed. Click on www.sierradrifters.com/fish.html
Sierra Drifters newest guide Doug-R Rodricks put the Brett Porter family from Oak Hills, CA on his Ranger "Fish Magnet" and Brett got a web fish!?? Check out Brett's" football with a tail" rainbow caught while Stillwater nymphing at www.sierradrifters.com/fish.html .
Big Hilton Creek flows into Little Hilton Bay and although the algae has a tendency to be thicker here, you may find excellent fishing during the right conditions this time of year.?? There will also be opportunities to fish the inlet of the Owens in its channel.?? The lake level is dropping and the weed beds will eventually become defined making it apparent where the channel lies under the lakes surface.
The algae bloom will not be as severe as last years "pea soup-a-thon".?? With the lack of run-off the lake does not get the nutrients that seep down from the banks.?? This will keep the turnover periods to a far lower duration than in the wet seasons.?? We will see "Epic" periods of fishing in July and August this year. I guarantee it unless the dam breaks!
The damsel fly nymph migration is in full swing with the afternoon callibaetis hatch also an option for you streamer tuggers.?? Tubers should troll along the scum lines and rafts of algae as these swimming nymphs seek refuge and cover in this type of condition prior to emerging.?? Fish higher in the water column (2-6 feet) and don't worry about your depth.?? These are amongst the largest aquatic insects Crowley has to offer and they will migrate well out into the middle of the lake hiding in these algae blankets
The chironomid (midge) hatch is heavy during a high or rising barometer and the trout are keying on this emergence when it occurs during the late mornings.?? Stillwater nymphing is the hot ticket if you can get into clean water.?? Gillies and crystal emerger's #18-20, are super flies for the pupal ascents.?? During heavy hatches we use twin emerger patterns and it is not vital to keep your dropper as close to the bottom.?? We are finding consistent activity in as deep as 18 feet of water in the North Arm.?? Cleaning your flies every cast is essential to getting takes under the current conditions.
The "Fish Magnets" of the Sierra Drifters fleet have been very busy on Crowley recently putting clients on some great fish.?? Guide "Fill" Therrien put the father and son duo of Kevin and Joe Tannehill from L.A. on numerous fish in McGee Bay recently and the two obliged by catching them.?? Check out the gorgeous cutt Joe outfoxed. Click on www.sierradrifters.com/fish.html
Sierra Drifters newest guide Doug-R Rodricks put the Brett Porter family from Oak Hills, CA on his Ranger "Fish Magnet" and Brett got a web fish!?? Check out Brett's" football with a tail" rainbow caught while Stillwater nymphing at www.sierradrifters.com/fish.html .
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