Got Money's Worth

by Bill Roecker
(619) 223-5414

The seventh annual Bad Fish charter aboard the American Angler with chartermaster Louis Papai of Torrance arrived at Point Loma Sportfishing September 14 after a five=-day trip with 26 anglers. Skipper Brian Kiyohara docked the rig and weighed the best of the catch.

We fished albacore the first day," said Papai. "They floated up to the surface all over the place after about eleven in the morning. We got our limits, and the swell came up so we headed south. We made mackerel at Cedros Island and fished a full day there. We had two great days. We got our money's worth."

Chris Rinauro of Murphys won first place for a 43.5-pound albacore. He said he bagged it with a sardine on a 3/0 Gorilla hook, 40-pound Izorline on an Avet 6-3 reel and a Bad Fish custom 6465 rod.

Carl Zimmer of Kingston, WA was second for a 42.6-pound longfin, and Dennis Liao of New York, NY won third place for a 36.2-pound albie.

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Fishing Videos Reports
for Wednesday, September 12th, 2007
: Excel Finds Yellows
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: Got His Cardio
: Qualifier 105 Albies
: Good Guadalupe Score
: 976-TUNA Open