Truckee River Fish Report for 9-23-2019
Gilligan's Guide Service Truckee River Report
Truckee River

by Matt Koles
(775) 351-6665
Welp, fall is here on the Truckee River.
Been the coolest September since ’04? That year had about 5 feet of snow in Reno. Truckee got buried. Kind of a Rockies type September in Tahoe.
So, of course the fishing be good when the weather cooperates, at least steamer fishing wise. Barometer pressure, mainly low, and cloud cover make a huge difference. Of course, nymphing, you can pretty much get them day in and day out. Weather is not that critical. Clouds are better all around for both though.
Since most folks that are floating with me in Nevada want to streamer fish, let’s give a streamer report. But first.
First, learn to cast your fly rod. A streamer is not a light dry fly. Bad casting don’t make casting a large streamer any easier. Practice your casting. I do.
If you are not good at retrieving your fly under your stripping finger, middle finger, practice that. Over and over and over.
Keep your tip down and strip set. If your rod tip is above your flyline you will not have a straight line/connection to your fly. You will likely set with your tip and not your hands. Strip set. Don’t trout set like when you’re bobber fishing. If you raise your tip you will create slack in your line. Drive the hook home with your hands, then raise your tip and fight the fish.
Recast if you feel a bump. A lot of time that was not a rock, it was a big brown trout t-boning your streamer, stunning it, cast it back in there.
Strip set, keep your tip down.
Stay in the game. Steamer fishing takes dedication, mental and physically. Have me pull over and drop the anchor and have a snack if you get tired.
Strip set, keep your tip down.
Remember we are hunting wild animals. Big brown trout are not stupid and easy to catch. They are the hardest to catch and the smartest of all trout. We don’t have a shit ton of big brown trout here on the Truckee River, but they’re here. You might fish 4-5 hours before you see that big shadow come out of under the willow That’s life changing for some. Of course, it’s nice to catch any trouts on the streamer, not just big ones. Some days the streamer will out fish the nymph rigs. Those days are awesome.
We have trouts as big as anywhere in the West. Let me coach you up and you may get one.
In California the fishing is good right now. In Nevada it is good too. That’s your fishing report. It’s just a great time of year to be up here fishing.
Remember, tight line-streamer clinic is October 5th. A combined clinic. Give a call. I have a few spots. It will be 9-3.
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