Utah Fish Report
Bridgeport Reservoir Fish Report for 6-19-2007
Bridgeport Reservoir Fish Report for 6-19-2007
Bridgeport Reservoir Fish Report 06-19-07
Bridgeport Reservoir - Bridgeport, CA (Mono County)

The large concentrations of fish are a little tardy for showing up in Buckeye Bay this year; however it is improving as the surface temps on the lake heat up.?? The lake is down from last year at this time so plan on fishing further off the western shore in Buckeye Bay.?? Streamer fisherman tugging damsel fly nymph and callibaetis nymph imitations are getting fish along the weed beds and in the channel in front of the marina.?? Stillwater nymphing continues to be mediocre in depths of 11-15 feet.?? There are solid chironomid hatches but the fish are not concentrated and getting consistent grabs in one location is tough.
Sierra Drifters Guide "Doug-R" Rodricks did some scouting to keep those Bridgeport fish honest and came up with a sweet brown he fooled on a #18 crystal tiger midge. Click on www.sierradrifters.com/fish.html
The Bridge will be "erupting" soon and if you are in this area I suggest you check it out.?? When I was commercial fishing my motto was, "Better to make the news than to hear about it!"
Bridgeport fisheries enhancement: The Bridgeport Trout Tournament is June 23 from 6:30am ??? 2:00pm. Anglers can fish Twin Lakes, Bridgeport Reservoir, Virginia Lakes, Green Creek and Robinson Creek. Cost is $50 for adults, $30 for kids. Dinner is included. See www.bridgeportfishenhancement.com for more details. This is another worthy cause that needs everyone's support?Ķplease contribute in any way you can?Ķ
Sierra Drifters Guide "Doug-R" Rodricks did some scouting to keep those Bridgeport fish honest and came up with a sweet brown he fooled on a #18 crystal tiger midge. Click on www.sierradrifters.com/fish.html
The Bridge will be "erupting" soon and if you are in this area I suggest you check it out.?? When I was commercial fishing my motto was, "Better to make the news than to hear about it!"
Bridgeport fisheries enhancement: The Bridgeport Trout Tournament is June 23 from 6:30am ??? 2:00pm. Anglers can fish Twin Lakes, Bridgeport Reservoir, Virginia Lakes, Green Creek and Robinson Creek. Cost is $50 for adults, $30 for kids. Dinner is included. See www.bridgeportfishenhancement.com for more details. This is another worthy cause that needs everyone's support?Ķplease contribute in any way you can?Ķ
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Crowley LakeHowdy friends and Sierra Drifters.?? Best fishes to all and welcome to the beginning of a great summer fly fishing season here in the Eastern High Sierra.?? June is upon us and the weather has turned very seasonable and pleasant in most areas. ?? I am extremely pleased to announce that we will be hosting the First Annual Sierra Drifters/ Crowley Lake Stillwater Classic on August 11th, 2007.?? This catch and release events primary objective is to provide donations for the...... Read More

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